White Wolf
Model/varenr.: EGWW80001
0 anmeldelser
Creation is a dangerous place, and there are no more powerful magnets for danger than the returned Solar Exalted. With a list of enemies dating back to the First Age, the Lawgivers will be hardpressed to survive long enough to set the world aright. Of course, the only thing the Solars are better at ...mere
Vægt: 0,5 kg
139,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW25104
0 anmeldelser
?They say we are inbred and perverse. They say we are amoral, evil. They are not wrong. But we are chosen.? ? Benedetto, Sangiovanni ProdigyThese vampires shouldn?t exist. Arrogant, violent, and proud, their notorious bloodlines discolor the weave of Kindred society. They are feared and reviled, cur ...mere
Vægt: 0,611 kg
195,00 DKK
Lager: 2 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW40308
0 anmeldelser
Modern Magic, Modern Myths Rethink it. Rethink what you know about magic. About human history. About what's real and what's myth. The Free Council is questioning everything. Sometimes this leads to new breakthroughs in sorcery. Sometimes this leads to disaster. What it never creates? is trust.An Ord ...mere
Vægt: 0,59 kg
195,00 DKK
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Model/varenr.: EGWW40309
0 anmeldelser
The Fractured PrismThe higher truths of the Supernal World are constantly broadcast down into the Fallen World, distorted into a thousand different forms ? such as the occult beliefs of Sleepers throughout the world. A mage versed in these traditions can see past the Sleeper?s occult trappings to th ...mere
Vægt: 0,65 kg
239,00 DKK
Lager: 2 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW40200
0 anmeldelser
That Old Black MagicThe first European mages to arrive in New England made dark compacts and concords that still affect the region to this day. From ancient oaths signed in blood to the dying curses of witches, Boston?s modern mages are bound by fates not of their own making. The region?s history we ...mere
Vægt: 0,707 kg
195,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW30304
0 anmeldelser
?I don?t give a damn if you think you have some sort of right to this place. I don?t care what the Shadow looked like before you got here, and I don?t care if you?re the best thing to happen to this land since the Fall. The only thing that matters is if you can stop me and mine from taking this plac ...mere
Vægt: 0,648 kg
249,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW30200
0 anmeldelser
Homeland of the WolvesIt?s a place of refuge, a territory where the Tribes of the Moon hold strong. Wolves run on four feet through mountain forests, and on two through urban landscapes. But even this place of refuge has its own dangers ? horrors revealed only by the light of the full moon. Werewolv ...mere
Vægt: 0,677 kg
249,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW25102
0 anmeldelser
Foul Ancestry"In the dark corners we dwell, still-born Kindred for whom your clans have no meaning. Our blood is your blood, yet different. It has been willed, strained and afflicted until it has taken a different course in our veins. We are your worst nightmare, childer who defy your designs to for ...mere
Vægt: 0,632 kg
239,00 DKK
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Model/varenr.: EGWW25200
0 anmeldelser
The Sultry Night BeckonsNew Orleans lives on borrowed time. Steeped in the customs and traditions of the Old World and ruled with an iron fist by a pious Prince, the Kindred of the city keep the sanctity of the Traditions at court and sate their desires amid the neon glare of Bourbon Street. From th ...mere
Vægt: 0,678 kg
259,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW80303
0 anmeldelser
In this fourth of Exalted's five Books of Sorcery, elementals and spirits finally get their due. This supplement outlines both the little gods of Creation and the Terrestrial Bureaucracy, as well as the elementals and their many courts. In addition, it also reveals the many spirit Charms available t ...mere
Vægt: 0,5 kg
159,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW55604
0 anmeldelser
A Deadly Game Monsters exist in our world, lurking under cover of darkness, hiding their depredations behind a veil of lies. You are an ordinary person, but you have discovered the creatures that prey upon us. Now you search the city for supernatural secrets, gathering weapons, tools and lore in you ...mere
Vægt: 1,723 kg
195,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: EGWW80311
0 anmeldelser
If there is one surety in the Time of Tumult, it is that there will be war. As nation struggles against nation, as the deathknights ride forth from the shadowlands, as the Realm slips closer and closer to civil war, as the Solars return to reclaim the Mandate of Heaven, wars engulf Creation. And if ...mere
Vægt: 0,439 kg
195,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Model/varenr.: WW25302
0 anmeldelser
Min historie er den samme som enhver vampyr: blod, smerter og dansen. Det eneste, der gør mig speciel, er den måde, jeg fortæller det på.- Rembrandt, The Vampire of Druid Hill Denne bog inkluderer:Retningslinjer for både nye og gamle historiefortællere, hvilket gør det let og spændende at oprette d ...mere
Vægt: 0,72 kg
149,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
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