Magical Traditions

Model/varenr.: EGWW40309

The Fractured Prism

The higher truths of the Supernal World are constantly broadcast down into the Fallen World, distorted into a thousand different forms ? such as the occult beliefs of Sleepers throughout the world. A mage versed in these traditions can see past the Sleeper?s occult trappings to the Supernal truth, like a faint light that is invisible to the blind. Privy to such culture-bound magical secrets, these mages wield power unknown to others.

A sourcebook for Mage: The Awakening?

? 7 magical traditions, from Santeria and Taoist sorcery to the rites of the Knights Templar and Appalachian Hoodoo hexery.

? Unique spellcasting rules and benefits for mages versed in a magical tradition

? Advice about incorporating magical traditions into chronicles and stories.

160 page hardcover

239,00 DKK
Lager: 2 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Vægt: 0,65 kg

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