

Model/varenr.: MS1005-CD

Unleash your darkest nightmares as you enter the world of the Vampyre. Echoing from ancient crypts, these haunting symphonies call forth the horror, mystery, and passion of the night that awaits you.

Track Listing

1. Awakening

2. Graveyard

3. Unhallowed Ground

4. Crypt of the Forsaken

5. Winged Fury

6. Blackest Rose

7. Ravages of Time

8. Catacombs

9. Unseen Eyes

10. Undead Hunters

11. Ancient Tomes

12. Dusk

13. Spectral Masquerade

14. Vampyre

Lidt reviews:

Darklife Magazine (Germany) - " 'Vampyre' confirms the ability of Edward Douglas and Gavin Goszka in producing haunting music that stands at the forefront of the genre."

Judas Kiss Magazine (UK) ". . . quite simply in a league of its own."

Darker Than The Bat (Belgium) " It is useless to pick some good songs as all of them are little masterpieces."

Gothic Beauty Magazine " 5 out of 5 - . . . fourteen tracks of audio-cinematic splendor"

Altercation Magazine ". . . the undisputed overlords of horror music"

Sideline Magazine (Belgium) "This is the kind of gothic stuff that will probably survive and go through the ages"

Outburn ". . .'Vampyre' sure does take a run at the title held so long by the works of Danny Elfman"

Movement Magazine " . . . a masterpiece of gothic horror that wonderfully portrays the dark realm of the undead."

Rue Morgue Magazine "Perhaps the greatest accolade that I can give this disc is that it emanates horror - cinematic, Gothic, classical, and otherwise - on every one of it's fourteen tracks. A genuine spookshow from start to finish."

Legends Magazine "crafted with the same astute attention as the makers of the score to Bram Stoker's Dracula"

Rhythm US "Midnight Syndicate has once again proven their status in the industry and of their talents. It's simply amazing what these guys can do musically in creating imaginative music."

d20 Magazine Rack (Gaming) "This is the perfect music for gaming"

GamingReport.com (Gaming) "Midnight Syndicate makes music that is well suited for gaming, especially in the case of their latest terrifying release, ?Vampyre ? Symphonies from the Crypt . . . a 5 out of 5"

Music Extreme (Argentina) "A must have. All of this CD is a masterpiece."

Vae Solis (Russia) ". . . the most complex effort Midnight Syndicate has ever come up with . . . Rating : 6 of 6"

HalloweenMagazine.com "Midnight Syndicate has out done themselves yet again."

Starvox "This duo clearly wants to give the fans the most for their money, as evident with each new release, and this one is no exception . . . Once again, Midnight Syndicate has stepped up to the plate to deliver eerie music for those longing for those darkened tones."

39,00 DKK
99,00 DKK
Du sparer: 60,00 DKK
Lager: 5 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Vægt: 0,09 kg

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