Let Them Eat Cake

Model/varenr.: 81635

"Liberty! Equality! Eclairs!”
The glorious revolution has done away with tyranny! Now you and your friends make up the Revolutionary Committee, overseeing justice throughout the land. Still, now that the Queen's gone it would be a shame to let all that cake go to waste...
Become the first among equals by amassing honour!
Become happy by amassing cake!
Send your friends' pawns to the guillotine!
First to forty cakes wins!
From Peer Sylvester comes a game of committees, coercion and cake. Elect your friends to positions of power in the hope that they look on your patronage favourably, or denounce them as enemies of the revolution. Alliances and betrayal are all fair game as you try to amass as much cake as you can before the revolution collapses.

Head of Committee token
21 Medals of Honour
6 Player aids
55 Pantry cards
12 starter Cakes
8 starter Generals
36 Voting cards
18 Pawns

179,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Vægt: 0,61 kg

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