

Model/varenr.: EGHAS95632

Congratulations, citizen. Your application to enter the race for the office of mayor of Rocketville has been approved.

Please report immediately to the Central Launchpad - your campaign is about to begin.

In this fast-paced game of luck and strategy, you and the other candidates travel via rocket from district to district campaigning for votes - making promises, garnering endorsements, and recruiting robotic assistance - in a mad dash to win the hearts, minds, and CPUs of your fellow sentient beings.

Travel around Rocketville in style aboard Whistlestop One - the mayoral candidates' campaign rocket. Keep track of your popularity throughout the campaign - win some, lose some, but end up on top to become mayor of Rocketville.

Careful planning can garner you an endorsement from one of Rocketville's many influential personalities. Ease your way into the mayor's office with some help from Robot Campaign Assistants. Win the hearts and minds - and most importantly the votes - of the citizens with compelling campaign promises. Place giant, hovering campaign buttons over your districts to show the city your ever-growing support.

Game Contents
1 game board, 1 rocket, 100 campaign buttons, 6 undecided markers, 5 popularity markers, 64 campaign promise cards, 5 campaign planning cards, 20 endorser cards, 21 robot cards, 1 rulebook, all in a box approximately 10" x 10" x 2.5"

Min. Antal Spillere: 3
Max. Antal Spillere: 6
Alder: 10+
Spilletid: 30-60 min
Sprog: Engelsk
199,00 DKK
Lager: 4 stk tilbage på lager
Vægt: 0,946 kg
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