
Out Of Mine!

Model/varenr.: 878526

Out of mine! At hearing this call through the shafts of the mine, dwarves immediately let their pickaxes rest. Who was able to best complete the challenge? Equipped with pickaxes and the secret knowledge of the mine elves the players try to expose as many precious crystals as possible. Each one gets his own special tunnel, in which he tries to find the crystals according to the hints of the elves. If one dwarf manages to find all of the predicted crystals in his tunnel, the call Out of mine! rings out loud. The players now get points for the found resources, but only at the end of the week after the seventh round of exploration you’ll see, who has been the most successful dwarf. Only the dwarf who manages to quickly and correctly dig for crystals in his tunnel has a chance to become the master dwarf.

Fast-paced puzzle game
Trains spatial visualization and logical thinking while having fun
Box and rules in German, English, French, Dutch

Min. Antal Spillere: 2
Max. Antal Spillere: 4
Alder: 10+
Spilletid: 15-30 min
Sprog: Engelsk
195,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager
Vægt: 0,814 kg
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