
Model/varenr.: LDR159000

In one of the countless casinos of Monte Carlo, the stakes have never been higher, as between the games of cards and roulette, there is a game of spies and intel. A familiar-looking Ambassador, on break from the many duties (parties, mostly) that tire him so much, has decided to combine business with pleasure. He has set up a private poker game and lured the world’s best 2-6 secret agents to it, seeking someone with whom he can do business.
The Ambassador prefers his own particular type of poker, with its own peculiar
rules. Will you play his game and end up in the shark tank, or will you win and
infiltrate the Ambassador’s organization?
In this quick game of wits, players can bribe, steal, blackmail – and, inspired by [redacted]‘s innovative double-blind mechanisms, they can also interrogate each other, gaining information necessary to win.


6 suspicion tiles
20 casino chip tokens
25 cards

119,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Vægt: 0,253 kg

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