Mage Wars OP Kit 6 Menace of Ruination

Model/varenr.: AWGMWOP06

OP Kit Includes:
- 36 promo Spell Cards
- Event Guide
- Story Guide
- How to Teach Mage Wars booklet
- Large Art Display Poster
- Sign Up Poster
- All inside a beautiful full-color folder

Two months worth of weekly promo cards and participation prizes for winners, good
sports, and even Event Organizers! A rich unfolding story laid out every week in our 12-page illustrated story guide,
complete with a regional map of Etheria! Take direct control of the action when you report results. Every battle counts! Every game played directly impacts the overall storyline.
Take part in the amazing unravelling story of Mage Wars in our Organized Play Kit. Everything you need to setup
league play in your store is included!

159,00 DKK
Lager: 2 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Vægt: 0,295 kg

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