Doomtown: Reloaded ECG Saddlebag Expansion 3 - Election Day Slau

Model/varenr.: 5904AEG

With 21 new cards, and four copies of each, Saddlebags give you new ways to customize your Doomtown decks. Whether you're looking to be shootin', spell castin' or just trying to show that you have more money and influence than the next person, Election Day Slaughter expands your options for takin' over Gomorra!

Bullet Points

- 84 cards
- 21 individual cards (4 copies of each)
- Story Sheet about the latest movers and shakers in the town of Gomorra
- This product is an expansion, the base game is required to play.

- 84 cards
- Story Sheet

109,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Vægt: 0,172 kg

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