Bacchus' Banquet

Model/varenr.: MFG4106

It is 37 AD and Caligula is the extravagant Emperor of Rome! It is a time of excesses. It is a time of intrigue. And the latest gala in Caligula's short reign is starting tonight: Bacchus' Banquet!

As a player, you are one of the nine honored guests each with his or her own secret objective. You might be a glutton who is only there for the food and wine. You might be an avaricious opportunist longing for the presents that are often bestowed. You might be a conspirator in one of the many plots to kidnap or assassinate the Emperor. You might even be Caligula himself, exploiting the all too human foibles of his groveling subjects.

Whatever your true goals, you fully participate in the orgy of rich cuisine, fine wine, and elaborate entertainments. Caligula is watching! But be careful, accompanying every course is the potential of a drunken stupor, a subtle poison, or an assassin's dagger any one of which can destroy you and your aspirations.

So, put on your best toga, cleanse yourself, and hire a food taster. You have an engraved invitation to Bacchus' Banquet, and you are in for the night of your life!

Minimum Players: 
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Game Components: 

110 Cards (93 Action, 9 Guest, and 8 Privilege)
5 Player Displays
5 Belt Buckles
1 Rulebook

149,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage
Vægt: 0,439 kg

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