
Model/varenr.: MFG3527

Nusfjord by Uwe Rosenberg takes the players into the breathtaking world of the Norwegian fjords, where they manage their small fishing companies and build ships for their fishing fleet. To do so, the players must cut wood in the forests, which also makes room for the various buildings that help them with their endeavors. Short term gold can be gained by selling shares of one’s company. Buildings and gold are worth victory points and whoever has the most of those at the end of the game wins.

The main drive of the game is the well-established worker placement mechanism, accompanied by a clever distribution mechanism for the fish captured by one’s fishing fleet. First, the village elders get their fair share of fish; then each shareholder is given a dividend. The remaining fish goes into the owner’s personal supply. Aside from fish, wood and gold are the only other resources in the game. Nusfjord is reminiscent of Agricola but with much simpler scoring and rules.

399,00 DKK
Lager: Ikke på lager
Vægt: 2,152 kg
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