
T.I.M.E Stories

Model/varenr.: ASMSCTS01US

T.I.M.E Stories is a narrative board game.
Players will live adventures in various worlds, through the eyes and characteristics of their character.
They will have to fight, search, discuss, and be clever and convincing to the characters they meet… and sometimes even the other agents.
Each player will be able to include the dose of “roleplay” they want into the character they’ll have chosen. But they will also need to optimize their actions.
Each scenario contains a new world, new characters, new rules, and new surprises.

The basic box contains the T.I.M.E Stories system and the Asylum scenario.

Min. Antal Spillere: 2
Max. Antal Spillere: 4
Alder: 12+
Spilletid: 60-120 min
Sprog: Engelsk
319,00 DKK
Lager: Ikke på lager
Vægt: 1,852 kg
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