Pixel Glory: Light

Model/varenr.: ZAF1002

Team up with fellow wizards to vanquish the sinister monsters that lurk in the dungeon, and save the nearby village. This is a noble, and honorable quest, and...oh, who are we kidding? In reality, you’re a greedy wizard who is all about fame and personal gain, and your fellow wizards are cut from the same cloth! Even if the dungeon gets the best of you, fame lasts forever. To satisfy your thirst for fame, you must prevail over your opponents by learning the best spells and using that knowledge to outmaneuver and kill-steal in the dungeon, so you can gain the admiration of the townsfolk, fame across the realm, and achieve Pixel Glory. Pixel Glory - Light and Shadow is a standalone sequel to Pixel Glory that features all new spells, monsters, elements, and even new game modes! The two versions can be played alone or combined with the original Pixel Glory. Light version comes with Light box art, Light Wizard Board and Secret Light cards.

199,00 DKK
Lager: Ikke på lager
Vægt: 0,492 kg
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