Star Wars: Armada - Imperial Fighter Squadrons II Expansion Pack
SWM24 - Imperial Fighter Squadrons II Expansion Pack - $19.95The
Empire’s most advanced attack craft bring monstrous power into battle
in the Imperial Fighter Squadrons II Expansion Pack for Star Wars™:
Armada. Elusive TIE Phantoms ambush Rebel squadrons, while elite TIE
Defenders outmatch the enemy with fearsome capabilities, and hulking
VT-49 Decimators leave only wreckage in their wake. Supported by
the coordination ability of Lambda-class shuttles, these eight miniature
squadrons and eight squadron cards work hard to crush the Rebel
Key Selling Points
• Features two copies each of four new types of fighter squadrons
• Eight squadron cards allow you to field your squadrons as nonuniques
or as ace squadrons
• Rogue VT-49 Decimators feature hull and armament stats that rival
those of capital ships
• Permits the exploration of new tactics with its Strategic, Cloak, and
Relay abilities
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