
Seventh Hero

Model/varenr.: 5813AEG

The card deck in Seventh Hero consists of 77 cards, with each card representing one of seven different heroes. Players each start with two random heroes, and each hero has a special power that can be activated once. Each turn, a player sends a card from his hand face down to the next player, who can choose to take it or pass it on. If he takes it, he adds it to his group of heroes, but if it's a hero he already has, both hero cards are sent to the discard pile. Before sending a hero away, the player must obey the current round's limitations, such as the card must be odd or must be below or above a certain number.

The first player to collect six of the seven heroes wins.
The railways of today are amazing things and bullet trains, freight trains and more keep entire countries running. From transporting the populace to carrying essential materials, trains play an integral part in a nation's power and economic development. You will start with a small set of cards, but by building a more effective deck throughout the game, you will be able to place stations and lay rails over the maps of Japan. Gain enough points from your railways and you will ultimately manage the most powerful railroads in modern Japan!

Min. Antal Spillere: 3
Max. Antal Spillere: 5
Alder: 14+
Spilletid: 15-30 min
Sprog: Engelsk
129,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager
Vægt: 0,309 kg
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