
More Kittens in a Blender Expansion

Model/varenr.: RDS1002

This expansion adds thirty-two unique kittens to the game in two new groups, allowing for play with up to six players (or teams). It also has color-reminder cards, and flavors.

Flavors add a new dimension to the strategic play of Kittens in a Blender. If you are having trouble rescuing your kittens, you really, really can't keep them out of the blender, throw some vanilla extract or strawberries into the mix and make a smoothie! It's a new way to score points toward victory, and now other players have to think long and hard before sending too many of your kittens toward the evil blender.

Min. Antal Spillere: 2
Max. Antal Spillere: 10+
Alder: 8+
Spilletid: 30-60 min
Sprog: Engelsk
79,00 DKK
Lager: 2 stk tilbage på lager
Vægt: 0,135 kg
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