

Model/varenr.: PPL002

Exoplanets is a medium-light game, where players create their own planetary system on the table. Players add to the common star, tiles which represent various planets or moons (that protect planets or help create life). Each of these tiles/planets give a different number of tokens (water, atmosphere, asteroids and light) and each planet has their climatic condition, which allows us to create life on these planets. Players can also interact trying to interrupt opponents planets by using space effects, by space tales or fulfill goals to earn more points at the end of the universe. But the players need to know that they are all creating mutual planetary systems.


30x planets tiles
38x space tiles
16 wooden species markers
24 wooden life markers
71 crystal markers (resources: water, gas, energy)
12 player cards (3 languages)
1x star tiles
3x special effects tiles
3x rulebook (English, German, Polish)
70 special effects tokens

Min. Antal Spillere: 2
Max. Antal Spillere: 4
Alder: 14+
Spilletid: 30-60 min
Sprog: Engelsk
249,00 DKK
Lager: 1 stk tilbage på lager
Vægt: 1,21 kg
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